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Letter to the Abbé Lamennais,
June 30, 1834
Franz Liszt
Lithograph by Charles
Etienne Pierre Motte
ca. 1827 |
Réminiscences de Norma:
Grande Fantaisie
(Mainz: Schott, [1844]) |
Letter to Robert Schumann
June 5, 1839 |
Letter to an unnamed friend
October 6, 1846
Franz Liszt
Engraving by August Weger |
Piano Sonata in B Minor
(Leipzig: Breitkopf
& Härtel, [1854]) |
Les Préludes
(Leipzig; New York: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1856) |
![Liszt composed this song to a text by the poet of Deutschland, Deutschland, ber alles. He struggled with it, writing and destroying several versions in quick succession. Manuscript, [1860]](thumbnails/MSS77b3f63p2_thumbnail.jpg) |
“Ich scheide”
Manuscript, [1860] |
Letter to Cosima Liszt von Bülow
September 4, 1866 |
“Salve Polonia”
Die Legende vom heiligen Stanislaus
Draft manuscript, [ca. 1863] |

Arrangement of
Jean Louis Nicodé's Etude,
Op. 12, no. 2
Manuscript, [1877]
Franz Liszt
Photograph, ca. 1886 |
“Sunt lacrymae rerum”
Années de pélerinage, 3e année
Copyist’s manuscript
with annotations by Liszt, [ca. 1883] |
“Sursum corda” from Années de pélerinage, 3e année Copyist’s manuscript with annotations by Liszt, [ca. 1883] |
“Sursum corda” from Années de pélerinage, 3e année Copyist’s manuscript with annotations by Liszt, [ca. 1883] (continued from above) |
Lina Ramann. Franz Liszt: Artist
and Man, 1811–1840 Translated by
Miss E. Cowdery (London: W.H.
Allen, 1882),
Volume 1 |
Susanne Dunlap
Liszt’s Kiss
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007) |
Rose Kissed by Liszt
Medallion of St. Francis of Assisi