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Histories of Music: A Virtual Exhibit
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Wolfgang Caspar Printz
Historische Beschreibung der
edelen Sing- und Kling-Kunst |
Charles Burney
A General History of Music:
From the Earliest Ages to the
Present Period |
Heinrich Glarean Dodekachordon |
Sir John Hawkins
A General History
of the Science and
of Music |
François-Joseph Fétis
Histoire générale de la
musique depuis les temps
les plus anciens jusqu’à nos jours |
August Wilhelm Ambros
Geschichte der Musik |
Raphael Georg Kiesewetter
Geschichte der europaeisch-abendlaendischen
oder unsrer heutigen Musik |
Engraving of
François-Joseph Fétis |
[John Mainwaring]
Memoirs of the Life of the Late
George Frederic Handel |
Johann Nicolaus Forkel
Ueber Johann Sebastian Bachs
Leben, Kunst und Kunstwerke |
Georg Nikolaus von Nissen
Biographie W.A. Mozarts |
Engraving of
Johann Nicolaus Forkel |
Giuseppe Baini
Memorie storico-critiche
della vita e delle opere di
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina |
Sir George Grove (ed.) A Dictionary of Music and Musicians |
Horatio Parker
“Successors of Palestrina to Bach” |

Donald Jay Grout
A History of Western Music |
Claude Palisca
E-mail to Miriam Whaples
A History of
Western Music
Waldo Selden Pratt
“On Behalf of Musicology”
Musical Quarterly |
Donald Jay Grout and Claude V. Palisca
Chinese translation of
A History of Western Music |
Category Best Seller Award for Donald Jay Grout and Claude V. Palisca
A History of Western Music |
US News & World Report
April 16, 1984 (Vol. 96) |
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