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Donald Jay Grout and Claude V. Palisca
Chinese translation of
A History of Western Music

(Beijing: Peoples Music Publishing House, 1996)

Donald Jay Grout and Claude V. Palisca, Chinese translation of A History of Western Music

A History of Western Music has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Welsh. Palisca’s papers also include correspondence discussing possible translations into French and Icelandic, projects he endorsed, although they apparently never came to fruition. (His Baroque Music was translated into French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Croatian, and Hungarian.) When Palisca received translations from his publishers, he donated them to the library, where they were heavily used by Yale’s many foreign students. He was delighted by his increasingly international readership, for he was profoundly cosmopolitan. Born in Fiume, Italy (now Rijeka, Croatia), he moved to the United States in his youth, and spoke English like a native. He knew many languages, and he travelled widely, often to conduct research or to speak at conferences.


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