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A Renaissance Man Among the Romantics: Felix Mendelssohn at 200.

  Click on the images below for longer descriptions and high resolution images.
  beethoven society mendelssohn concert announcement Cecile Jean Renaud Mendelssohn Heimweh page 1 Heimweh page 2
  Engraved portrait of Mendelssohn, by A.H. Payne and W.C. Wrankmore, after Hildebrand.
Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel,"Das Heimweh" from Zwoelf Gesaenge,
Op. 8 (Berlin: Schlesinger [between 1825 and 1827]), p. 1-2.

Carl Friedrich Zelter engraving

Die erste Walpurgisnacht page 1

Die erste Walpurgisnacht page 2

Die erste Walpurgisnacht page 3

  Engraved portrait of Carl
Friedrich Zelter, by C.J. Lilienfeld
Die erste Walpurgisnacht, manuscript sketch, 1831?, p. 1. spacer imageDie erste Walpurgisnacht, manuscript sketch, 1831?, p. 2. spacer imageDie erste Walpurgisnacht, manuscript sketch, 1831?, p. 3.
  liede ohne wort liede ohne wort liede ohne wort liede ohne wort
  “Lied ohne Worte”
Op. 19. No. 2
Manuscript, 1830, p. 1 recto.
“Lied ohne Worte”
Op. 19. No. 2
Manuscript, 1830, p. 1 verso.
“Lied ohne Worte”
Op. 19. No. 2
Manuscript, 1830, p. 2 recto.
“Lied ohne Worte”
Op. 19. No. 2
Manuscript, 1830, p. 2 verso.


Letter to Carl Klingemann


Letter to Carl Klingemann


ich wollt' meine lieb


ich wollt' meine lieb


Letter to Carl Klingemann
June 23, 1834, p. 1.

Letter to Carl Klingemann
June 23, 1834, p. 2.

spacer imageIch wollt' meine Lieb
Op. 63, No. 1
Manuscript, 1836, p. 1.
spacer imageIch wollt' meine Lieb
Op. 63, No. 1
Manuscript, 1836, p. 2.
  letter to leopold lindenau letter to leopold lindenau oratorio string quartet opus 44

Letter to Leopold Lindenau
September 27, 1835, p. 1.

Letter to Leopold Lindenau
September 27, 1835, p. 2.

spacer imageSt. Paul
(Bonn: N. Simrock;
London: I. A. Novello, [1837])

spacer imageString Quartets
Op. 44 (Leipzig: Breitkopf &
Härtel, [1838])


symphony number 3, scottish

Symphony No. 3 (“Scottish”)
Op. 56, Arranged for piano, 4
hands (Leipzig: Breitkopf
& Härtel, [1843])

letter to the mayor of Aachen

Letter to the Mayor of Aachen,
Privy Counselor Emundts
February 5, 1846, Letter Address

letter to the mayor of Aachen

spacer imageLetter to the Mayor of Aachen,
Privy Counselor Emundts
February 5, 1846, p. 1.

letter to the mayor of Aachen

spacer imageLetter to the Mayor of Aachen,
Privy Counselor Emundts
February 5, 1846, p. 2.



  A Midsummer Night’s Dream letter to eduard lannoy Letter to Eduard Lannoy elijah

A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Overture and Incidental Music, Op. 61, Arranged for piano (Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel [1845])

spacer imageLetter to Eduard Lannoy
February 14, 1846, p. 1.
spacer imageLetter to Eduard Lannoy
February 14, 1846, p. 2.
(Bonn, N. Simrock; London,
Ewer & Co. [1847?])

mendelssohn society of new haven

Mendelssohn Society of New
Haven Program for inaugural concert, March 31, 1859

beethoven society of hartford

Beethoven Society of Hartford
Program for performance of Elijah
December 2, [1863]

elise poloko reminescences of mendelssohn

Elise Polko
Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: A Social and Artistic Biography. Translated by Lady Wallace (New York: Leypoldt and Holt, 1869)

cecile jean renaud mendelssohn

Sebastian Hensel. Die Familie Mendelssohn, 1729-1847
nach Briefen und Tagebüchern
2nd edition (Berlin: B. Behr, 1880)

(Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel;
rpt., Farnborough : Gregg Press, 1967) With manuscript annotations by Robert Shaw


Exhibit by Richard Boursy.
Web design by Remi Castonguay.
Special thanks to: Emily Ferrigno, Eva Heater, Angie Hurlbut, Suzanne Lovejoy, Christa Sammons, Jeffrey Sammons, and Paula Zyats.