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Beyond Paper: Treasures and Curiosities from the Gilmore Archives

Click on the images below for longer descriptions and high resolution images.  



chopin portrait
Arturo Toscanini Baton, 1939
chopin polonaise, op. 71, no. 3, manuscript
Robert Shaw Baton
Ludwika Jędrzejewiczowa piano exercises



Madeleine Forte’s
(Practice Piano)


Quatre mazurkas pour le piano, Op. 24

Henry Gilbert
Baby Hair, 1869

Quatre mazurkas pour le piano, Op. 24

Henry Gilbert
Death Mask, 1928




waltz op. 34 no. 2 chopin waltz op. 34 no. 2 chopin ballade pour le piano no. 2, in f major, chopin

Cast of Frédéric Chopin’s
Left Hand


Cast of Vladimir Horowitz’s Hands

Thomas de Hartmann

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

J. Rosamond Johnson’s Cane

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Impressions of
Benny Goodman’s Teeth

Virgil Thomson's
Hearing Aid



chopin, photograph l.a. bisson chopin, photograph l.a. bisson chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Robert Shaw’s
Dental X-Rays, 1963

Robert Shaw
Concert Shoes

Vladimir Horowitz’s
Bow Tie

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Baseballs Autographed for Vladimir
Horowitz by the New York Mets and
St. Louis Cardinals
Shea Stadium, June 20, 1969

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

H.M.S. Pinafore Playing Cards,
(New York: McLoughlin Bros., 1879)

Vladimir Horowitz
Oven Mitt




chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Arnold Schoenberg Playing Cards
Nuria Schoenberg-Nono
(Vienna: Platnick Edition, 1981)

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Musical Game Devised
by Henry Gilbert

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Benny Goodman Button
Drawing by Al Hirschfeld





chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Vladimir Horowitz,
Grammy Award, Horowitz at
Carnegie Hall— An Historic Return

Best Classical Instrumental
Soloist, 1965

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Paul Hindemith
Liqueur Glass

chopin, photograph l.a. bisson

Easter Egg
Decorated by Paul Hindemith






Exhibit by Richard Boursy.
Web design by Remi Castonguay.
Special thanks to: Emily Ferrigno, Eva Heater,
Angie Hurlbut, Suzanne Lovejoy, Christine McCarthy,
and Richard Warren for their help with this exhibit.